2018 year in review
Top highlights of 2018
In case you missed it, we’re providing a recap of some of this year’s highlights. 2018 was a great year full of incredible projects. We’re working on getting new case studies written, so stay tuned as we reveal them at the beginning of 2019. One of the big changes this year was a whole new look for our company. In the summer we unveiled a new logo, brand, website and social media presence.
B.R. Howard unveiled a new brand in 2018.
Top blog posts
This year, we’ve been actively writing blog posts a few times a month that cater to the types of organizations we typically partner with for art conservation. Our goal is to maintain relationships with our clients long after a project is complete by providing meaningful content that will help those organizations meet their goals. We’ve discussed how public art organizations can create online maps of their collections, recapped how to become a conservator, and answered FAQs about maintenance for art. Here are our most visited blog posts of 2018:
Top Facebook Posts
If you don’t already follow us on Facebook, please do! We share project updates, unique news from our industry, and inside looks at our life here at BRH. Here are the top Facebook posts from this year:
Top Case Studies
We’ve worked hard to showcase some of our most impressive and unique case studies on our website. There are many more projects in our archive that we will feature from time to time. New projects from this year will be added soon! Here are the top viewed case studies on our website from 2018:
Looking ahead
We’re looking forward to 2019 and are excited to share many more project updates with you in the weeks ahead! Thanks for another great year.