How to create an online map for a public art collection: Marketing your map
So far you’ve learned how to plan your public art map and how to create your map. Hopefully you see the value in having an interactive map of your pubic art collection on your website and are considering taking steps to create a map. Perhaps you already have a map! Once you have a map, there are many ways you can use it to market and promote your organization and art collection.
Newport News Public Art Foundation has an app for visitors to take a guided tour through their collection.
How to market your public art collection map
Create a tour itinerary
Once your map is created, it will be easy to create a walking tour itinerary for visitors. This can help people know how to go about seeing the art they want to see. Depending on the size and the variety of art in your collection, you could have different tours. Some examples are:
"Statues in our city"
"Must-see murals"
"Art highlights in an hour"
“Hidden secrets: indoor public art pieces"
Have a smaller collection? Simply highlight all of your pieces in one tour. You could also beef up the tour by adding tid-bits of knowledge along the way. Will the visitor pass any significant buildings along the route? Businesses that have been in town for 50+ years? The best pastry shop in town? Include those bonus facts in your tour description to add value as they view your public art. You'll also want to think about the order in which you route the visitor through the art. Where should they start? Where should they end? Are there areas of the city you want to make sure they walk through? Is there a park, pond, or special place in town that should be passed by? You want to create a valuable and memorable experience along the way between art pieces.
Get local businesses involved
As people come intentionally to see public art, businesses nearby can benefit from it. Is there a monument near a local sub shop? Perhaps there could be a special sandwich named after the monument. You could collaborate on a campaign to promote the monument and art tour as well as the local business. For example: buy the sandwich, take an instagram photo while eating the sandwich at the monument, use hashtags for the public art tour and sub shop, and the person could get a free drink the next time they visit the sub shop. Get creative! The ideas are endless.
Use social media to help promote your public art collection map.
Environmental signage
Do you have the capability to create signage near your public art pieces promoting your map? Maybe someone doesn't know about your map, but they found a piece of public art. Seeing the sign, they could quickly pull up the map to see where else in the city you have public art featured.
Post your collection to online databases
You already have your inventory, photos, and information organized, why not add them to a directory like Public Art Archive? The more places you have your art featured, the more awareness you're building!
Upkeep for public art
Now that you’re marketing your public art and public art tours, you’ll want to make sure they are in selfie-worthy condition. Check out our article about FAQs about public art maintenance plans.