Community Improvement Blog Posts
When we preserve and conserve sports artifacts and memorabilia, we are locking in the stories they tell of personal achievement, cultural strides, and historic events.
Why is it important that the art or museum industry address this issue? It is proven that art has a positive impact on senior citizens.
Is art maintenance really that important? Artists say it is. In this article, we asked 3 artists to share why they believe art maintenance is crucial to the life of artwork.
See examples of ideas for community art projects and events and learn about the importance of art in a community and how art affects a community.
In this article we explain how volunteers can be properly incorporated into your art maintenance program. We also sort out the pros and cons of using volunteers, explain how conservators fit into your process, and give you the basic steps and tips for starting your volunteer program for art conservation and maintenance.
How will an artist be chosen? What will the criteria be for selection? In this article we will dive into both aspects and provide tips for artists and community leaders along the way.
Partnerships between arts and businesses can bring value to the community, employees, and the company itself.
Does art really attract tourists? 35.3 million adults say it does. In this article we’ll show real examples of how communities are making their art collections the center of their cities.
We interviewed 3 colleges to learn how campuses change from Public Art. We learned that it changes the way professors teach, students interact, and how the community finds unity.
Having special events at museums can boost attendance. Here are 10 museums that got spooky for Halloween. Plus, find out how to advertise your events!
Pennsylvania museums satisfy the chocolate-lover, baseball fan, clock collector, avid hiker and more!